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Vindictus : Karok Update Arrives

Nexon has deployed the latest Vindictus update that brings a new pain bringer into the game. Called "Karok", he is a specialist in the delivery of pain to those who choose to take him on. The update also removes tokens by popular demand. The decision allows players to enjoy the game as long as they wish without incurring any cost.

Make no mistake - Karok's fighting style is unlike anything you've experienced before. Instead of a simple sword, Karok wields a massive pillar that he uses to crush his enemies and drive them before him. He can conduct a "pillar charge" while sprinting to break through lines of normal monsters, and then go immediately into a "dropkick" to knock out anyone who dares to stand in his way...

Also among his many skills is his ability to "power grab" monsters that the other characters can't, such as vampires and giant spiders.
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