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Dungeon Fighter Online : Act X: Rebirth Coming June 29th

Nexon has announced that the Dungeon Fighter Online update, Act X: Rebirth will be deployed on June 29th. According to reports, the new patch will feature an overhauled item shop as well as a new 'selectable' avatar system.

The newly revamped DFO item Shop will now sell avatars to players who want to customize their look. While the previous Avatar Bazaar system applied styles and stats at random, the renovation will allow players to visualize various aesthetic items in a preview section of the shop. Not only will players be able to choose the avatar’s style and color, but they can pick the exact stat option that will create the optimal character according to play preference. Thanks to the Item Shop renovation, avatar items will be displayed more efficiently, allowing players to compare and contrast different garments while modeling their favorite styles.
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