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Star Trek Online : Engineering Report

Executive Producer of Star Trek Online, Dan Stahl, has written and posted his June Engineering Report over on the official Star Trek Online Forums. Check out what he has to say about Season 4 (currently being tested on the Tribble test server).

It is that time again. Another month and lots more goodies to talk about as we prepare for the upcoming start of Season 4 in Star Trek Online!

As you may already know, Season 4 is on the TRIBBLE test server and we are in the midst of testing all the new features and crunching all the nasty bugs. The team is ecstatic about the Ground Combat feedback and we are glad that players are finally getting their hands on the new weapons and kit power upgrades that make up such a big part of this new season. Reading early reviews of the game, Ground Combat has always been one of the top failings of STO and the team has spent a lot of time adjusting and intentionally updating every single weapon in the game to add more variety and fun to Away Team and PVP combat. I'm personally having so much fun with the new system that I can't stop myself from logging into TRIBBLE and hunting other players in the amazing new First City map.
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