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EVE Online : Incarna 1.0 Is Coming... Tuesday!

Incarna 1.0, a patch coming to EVE Online that, among other things, will see the implementation of "Captain's Quarters", is scheduled to be released this coming Tuesday, June 21st. Stay tuned to the official site for a look at all the patch notes.

EVE Online: Incarna 1.0 is scheduled for deployment during an extended downtime on Tuesday, June 21. Downtime will begin at 05:00 UTC and is expected to be completed by 19:00 UTC.

Incarna 1.0 features Captain's Quarters - the first step towards opening the interiors of space stations for players; the new graphics and animations for ship turrets; and the new Noble Exchange store offering new and exciting goods. The new players will now embark on their journey in EVE Online guided by completely revamped tutorials and the familiar voice of Aura, while the new agent finder and corporation recruitment tools will make life easier for all pilots.
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