It is a dark time for the Myreque. Vanstrom has been tasked with wiping them off the face of RuneScape, and he is taking his job very, very seriously. Supply routes have been cut, innocents killed and some have even seen Vanstrom himself on the outskirts of Burgh de Rott.
There’s no more time to waste. An unexpected informant will lead you into the city of Darkener, home to the vampires, where you will hunt for the fabled Blisterwood Tree. Feared by the vampires who have spent centuries trying to kill it, the immortal tree has plagued Drakan to such an extent that he has simply built a vault around it. Now is your time to access that vault, make weapons from the tree and take the fight to the vampires, and more specifically Vanstrom.
Cast any fears you have to the winds as you explore the huge area of Darkener, gaining enough status to be recognized as a vyrelord, and shedding vampire blood in our latest master quest. Come out alive, and you’ll get access to new vampire-beating equipment and an item that can teleport you across Morytania, including the Barrows.
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Teams/Skype (sell to us): selltoallen
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Discord: gameim#1112
Discord: Gaimugold#1567