CDC Games (CDC Games)'s 3D game "Shaiya" is a fantasy world stage, each race's history and development are very unique. In the grand epic story of each job are no substitute for an absolute hero, both in life and death Competing battlefield, or the bizarre adventure Quest process, they have a sacred mission for their own bloody battles. Here we are angry with the joint understanding of the profession under the exclusive secrets!
Occupation: priest
Task Name: Kane's careful examination
Wizard destroyed rebel groups and guerrilla soldiers, 14 rebel groups Wizard sniper 6, go back to Tan Paer Khan, where cross. Rewarding experience: 26300
Reward items: Batken instructions
Teams/Skype: gameest
Teams/Skype (sell to us): selltoallen
Email: [email protected]
Discord: gameim#1112
Discord: Gaimugold#1567