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You need WoW gold to help the leveling and so on.

Buy WoW Gold Cheap on gamesworth, and we won't let you down here. Simply glancing at the SK-100's 5v5 rankings, one can see the vast majority of teams use a 50 percent healing debuff. Mortal Strike, Wound Poison or Aimed Shot is almost required on a two-healer 5v5. I say almost because some teams have been successful without the assistance of warriors, rogues or hunters -- but they are very rare.Two-healer compositions have relatively diverse strategies compared to one- or three-healer setups. One-healer (four-DPS) teams always want to win quickly by bursting the opponent, and three-healer (two-DPS/drain) setups want to drag the game on until the enemy's mana is exhausted. Two-healer teams, however, are able to execute either strategy. Teams with 50 percent healing debuffs are efficient in both scenarios; bursting an opponent is much easier when an incoming heal only hits for 5,000 instead of 10,000. In fact, that simple debuff has directly contributed to possibly more 5v5 wins than anything else, period. Moreover, if opposing teams are focusing on controlling members of the other team instead of healers, the healing debuff acts as a Mana Burn.While certainly more rare in Wrath of the Lich King, a healing debuff can be the difference between opposing mana bars at 25 percent or 0 percent. That is a giant difference. By the way, gold for WoW is important to your games, you need WoW gold to help the leveling and so on.Wrath has been notorious for burst damage -- particularly from casters. Since the rise of wizard cleave (two-DPS casters + healer) in season 6, more 5v5s have adopted a strategy of stacking spellcasters that can do enormous amounts of burst damage.

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