Because there are some issues to be addressed such as how to distinguish hunter green . Like how to distinguish the blue world of warcraft gold mage and shaman the same.In an interview with foreign media wow gold Blizzard spoke with one of their new plan. They want to make a panda person's reputation, not for players who like equipment, but for players who love the game story, some of the tasks that your reputation will provide the player looking for some lost stories in the history of the world, because this is composed of a group of scholars Panda. Prestigious awards are more than any treasure, but a wonderful story.Taiwan's famous lover of " Warcraft world " history and culture said in his micro-Bo Blizzard in an interview with foreign media interview about their new plan. WOW GOLD players want to make a panda person's reputation, not for players who like equipment, but for players who like the game story, some of the tasks that your reputation will provide the player looking for some lost stories in the history of the world, because this is composed of a group of scholars Panda. Prestigious awards are more than any treasure, but a wonderful story. This reputation is called The Lorewalkers, for the time being translated into "learned." If the plan come true, no doubt it will be very interesting, players who love control of the Gospel cheapest wow gold story is worth the wait.In BlizzCon 2011, there is a episode, which led to a lot of misunderstanding.
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