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Using the Recruit-a-friend method to level up


While any of these items can be disregarded, it is when they all come together that leveling becomes very quick. Other items, like enchants, PvP reward experience buffs, or seasonal experience buffs, will help but are not always available. Also, if using the Recruit-a-friend method, level 30 characters on the main account will also net you another level 60 character when you are finished.

Once you have decided on a character and have equipped them, they will need to reach level eight normally. This should only take a few minutes with the experience bonus; just run beginning quests until they reach the required level. Once this occurs, travel to Programmer and have the higher level friend run you through Ragefire Chasm. The fastest method is to have the 80 wow gold through the instance and gathers every mob, run them to the beginning of the instance, and kills them all with area of effect spells. In practice, this works best with well-geared armor wearers, but not so well with cloth wearers. If you do not care about every ounce of speed, or do not have the armor or gold to waste on repairing durability, then by running the instance normally you will still get the experience for your alts. A note about running normally, the alts need to stay close enough to get experience, but not so close that they pull. This will be crucial to survival in the later stages of this guide.

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