Enchants like the undead and demonic equivalents of the past were typically overshadowed by stronger, universally viable procs like Crusader and Berserking. It might be a nice change of pace to have enchants that fill specific niches of content instead of using the same enchant throughout an entire expansion.We've got homogenized mount speeds, which will let players fly on whichever mount they think looks the coolest rather than that old faithful Rusted Proto-Drake for the extra 30% speed even though half the server is using it. We'll also be able to use max speed mounts right out of the gate in Cataclysm, no complaints on that one!Unrecognizably changed old-world zones will greet wow gold players in the expansion, ameliorating the grind and immersing players in the Cataclysm storyline. After all, how hard can it be to gain 5 levels when you have the entirety of Azeroth to work with? Knock on wood.Hybrids won't be getting a lot of benefit from their off trees, which is a mixed blessing. If their primary trees are fleshed out well enough to dump 76 talent points into, then hybrid trees will definitely be more defined. If not, hybrid players will definitely be up in arms at the ineffectual offspec mastery bonuses.We're going to be seeing more heroic difficulty raids, and less gating as well as more crowd control in the 5 player instances -- both welcome changes.As for PvP, not much new info. The PvP oriented nature of the class reviews is apparently the result of Blizzard wanting to add horizontal depth to classes rather than vertical.