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Tibia : Summer Update Introduces World Quests

Tibia devs have a surprise in store for veteran players with the arrival of the summer update. World Quests will be introduced that require dozens or even hundreds of Tibia players cooperate on the tasks. As quests are completed, and depending on which faction completes them, the world around players can change dramatically.

New challenges and adventures are waiting for you, and your actions and decisions will matter more than before. Our update teasers already provided you with a glimpse on world changes but let us summarise the new content before you head out to explore and see for yourself:

South-west of Zao Steppe, a raging mage has created a dimensional portal on top of a tower through which you can enter another dimension. Near Edron, the servants of a mad mage are following their master's voice and keep a dangerous slime fungus at bay.
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