The premium bridge will work as intended again. The unintended dread doll spawn was removed from the Thais throne room. As a first step, the Fun Tibia dread doll has received a new name and description and was removed from the Thais exhibition. In the near future, this item will receive a new graphic, and the Fun Tibia dread doll will be reintroduced. Players who had received this item from FunTibia before the update will then receive a new Fun Tibia dread doll. Further changes relevant for the Beta Flash client: Among other minor things, a bug was fixed that caused client crashes in several situations, for example when leaving quest doors. Such crashes should not appear anymore. Further, it should not happen anymore that Tibia Gold players appear as monsters in certain situations when changing floors. A bug that caused a disorder of the stacking of objects should be gone now as well.