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The best solution is to see if another paladin in your group can cast it instead of you

Auras - Retribution Aura
When tanking this is by far your best option. Every time the enemy attacks you they will be hit with a small amount of Metin2 Yang holy damage much like Seal of Righteousness deals extra holy damage.
If you have another paladin in your group though and he has this aura activated you will still gain the threat from it since you will have technically caused the damage.
Sanctity Aura: While this is active all holy damage will be increased by 10%. This would obviously help increase your threat but it means you would have to replace Retribution Aura.
It is also low in the retribution tree which is designed for offense and not defense; so many dedicated tanks will not have it. The best solution is to see if another paladin in your group can cast it instead of you.
Miscellaneous Spells and Abilities: Consecration
Consecration purifies the land under your feet and deals holy damage over time to anyone that steps on it. The beauty of this spell is that you can cast it and then forget about it like your retribution aura or seal of righteousness in slowly but steadily increasing your threat.
It is also one of our only Area of Effect spells so if you have to fight multiple mobs at once you will be building up threat while you fight them one at a time. It is rather mana intensive though so you can not always keep it up.
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