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TERA : E3 2011: TERA - The Political System

TERA is one of the most anticipated titles coming down the road this year and the game's presence at E3 generated a lot of buzz.'s Richard Cox spent some time talking with TERA developers about the TERA's political system. Read on to see what Richard discovered and then keep reading to get a hands on report from Melinda Haren.

So by now I'm sure you've all heard of TERA. The first ever true action MMO where players will actually have to dive and dodge, aim and position themselves properly in melee. It supposedly breaks free from the traditional MMO mold and it's all about the player's skill and not gear or button mashing. I have to admit I've been skeptical for a while. I mean, this isn't the first MMO to claim they're changing the combat tedium and making it all good with sparkly double rainbow unicorns and such. But I had a chance to sit in on their presentation while at E3, and I have to say, I left pretty damned impressed.
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