The RuneScape team has let us know about big events they've got planned for players now that the new year has arrived. High level bosses, level 80 gear, bonus XP and more are all on the table for players over the next weeks and days.
A new year often brings with it change, and that's certainly true for Keldagrim, the setting of the first quest planned for release in 2011. An unexpected chaos dwarf attack throws the city into turmoil and forces the Consortium to make a tough decision. Faced by threats from both inside and outside the city, Keldagrim's rulers will struggle to hold on to power-and if they fail, the Red Axe is poised to sweep in and take over.
Rejoin old allies and pick up some new ones, and face up to the long-buried past as you attempt to answer the question: just who is the King of the Dwarves? Generous XP rewards and access to a new gravestone (hand-chiselled by Keldagrim's finest stonemason) are on the cards for those who rescue some trapped miners, involve themselves in dwarven politics and then pick up some big rocks.