International Rushu Community earlier fights and speeches.So French Players (No English speaking ones) started screwing Rushu's Community calling us racist, and started spamming /r and /b on French, other Dofus Kamas players took that offensive(because it was) and they struck back with other offensive comments to French Players. Right now, Communities on Rushu are in "war" and they hate each other right now.Everyone on Rushu thinks French Players are annoying and stupid, but we have very strange phenomena, only ones on Rushu are annoying and stupid.Like Rollbacksuckz said, Rushu's French Community makes 1-5% of Total French Dofus Community, and it happens that those "1-5%" are jerks and annoying.Dofus kamas players have heard about us screwing Ankama and being disepointed about us not having that feature, and they acted humanly regrading it, they offered us to tell them our ideas so they can tell it on french forum, which sounds fair from their side.