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Noble mercenaries battling

New perils and challenges in the land of Aika are now available with this week’s Episode 8, part 1 content update, which ushers in two new raid bosses, several new dungeons, in game events and more. Last month, the mighty Karok joined the ranks of the brave and noble mercenaries battling the forces of evil in the land, helping make Aika more exciting than ever. Mercenaries of all fighting styles will now need to band together to face the latest threats in the world.

Presently, rumors are brewing of a rebellion at Ortel Castle. It is up to the bravest mercenaries to investigate and find out the truth. Elsewhere in the land, four new stories and battle quests have been added. These dungeons were designed to assist mercenaries through difficult leveling areas, and include: Red Ruins, Remnants, Depths of Ainle and Burnt Pumpkin Field.

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