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New features coming with the expansion


The Siege of Kirkwood takes the game into another direction by opening up skirmish warfare. Game Zone was recently given a tour of the beta of the expansion and found a game that caters to both those seeking a smaller instanced selection of quests but also putting players into the heart of the War of the Ring.

Aaron Campbell, the live producer at Turbine, conducted the tour that began near Lothlorien, traveled to Sot Galahs and then into the citadel that is Doll Guilder.

Before getting into the nuances of the tour, the press release recently sent out by Turbine provided a quick overview of the more apparent new features coming with this expansion.

The epic conclusion to Volume II: Mines of Moria-Under the command of Celeborn and Galadriel, players will fight through vast armies of orcs alongside the elves of Lorien in a battle that will take them to Dol Guldur, the fortress of the ring wraiths and Lord Of The Rings online money. This update includes Book 9 and the Epilogue to the sweeping epic tale begun with the Mines of Maria expansion.


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