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D&D Online: Update 10 Patch Notes Released

Turbine and the Dungeons & Dragons Online team have released the patch notes for Update 10. Among other things, Update 10 brings the Reign of Madness Adventure Pack online and continues the story started in Update 9.

Update 10 follows the story that began in Update 9 and brings you face to face with personified madness, old acquaintances, and unlikely new allies. The Reign of Madness Adventure Pack will test your skill with a blade, the deftness of your spell-casting, and your very sanity. Will you prove yourself to be the savior of Stormreach or will you fall victim to the forces that threaten to unravel the city from within:

. Return to the Sleeping Spell Inn, where a missing scepter poses grave danger to all of Eberron!
. Navigate the twisting corridors of the Insane Asylum of Stormreach, and weather the madness of Xoriat!
. Venture into the depths of Khyber to enlist the aid of the Lord of Stone!
. Harness the power of magefire cannons, and confront the Lord of Eyes before he can invade Eberron!

The Reign of Madness is free for VIPs, and available starting June 24th in the DDO Store.
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