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Atlantica Gold players can go ahead and freeze my thread.


All the money I've spent, all my stuff sitting there and it's just gone because I can't have access to my account. This is not right how I am being treated, or any of the others this is happening to and it's allot. It's too bad too because I was a successful leader of one of the largest nations on my server at one time and have allot of friends that I will miss. And as far as a previous FM's response, yes people are being suspended for no reason! I did nothing and until you can at least tell me what reason you THINK you have, it's no reason! Atlantica Gold players can go ahead and freeze my thread and say it's being handled but until I at least get SOME response or explanation from a GM, as far as I'm concerned it's not. I'm sure you guys are losing allot of gamers...I bet it's going to be the final nail in the coffin.

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