Arenas are located in aligned cities. If a member of your hunting party is not neutral or aligned with the city you intend to fight the soul at, he or she may have difficulty getting to the arena. Even with their characters wings down the city guards will agro and tend to have a huge aggression range. If they dare venture into the city with their characters wings up the potential for aggression rises and if they lose the fight will wind up in the city jail cells, be wary. Lock your fight. There tends to be a large amount of players who will hang out in the arenas jumping fights. If they jump your fight and you allow them to stay, they will not only get a portion of the fight experience points, but also a share in the fight drops. This would suck if you were looking for an elusive drop item, such as the ever coveted Gelato, and the person to win the drop was an uninvited guest. All of your hard work would have been for someone else. Aion gold. Yes, there are a few honest players who would begrudgingly give you the drop but unfortunately there are those who would not, so is safe.