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Home » SilkRoad Gold
SilkRoad Gold Introduction

Silkroad gold play an important part in the game, no player can drop up it if he plays game, and also he maybe need to value it. Our website is large floor for players to play game with cheap sro gold, we provide nice service, good quantity, safe delivery of Silkroad online gold, we are service whole day, if you want to need it, you can direct us and we will give you message.

Come to buy gold now, and we will give you compete price till you are satisfied.

SilkRoad Gold News
27/05/2013 - We Will Publish a Custom SilkRoad Online Gold Arena
Hello everyone, I am Steve Bikun, A community of a server programmer. We are really excited about the SilkRoad Online Gold custome arena, because of it gives the players too much authority. Since have the custom arena, players could design their.....
26/03/2012 - Silkroad Online Guardian System
The Guardian System is a system for existing high level players and new or low level players. The high level player is guardian and the low level player is apprentice. Under the Guardian System, the Guardian can pass on their gaming experiences .....
19/12/2011 - Silkroad Online : Silkroad -R- Announced
Joymax has announced that it will be launching a new independent Silkroad experience called Silkroad -R-. The new version, according to the press release, will offer players a "cleaner" game environment and the ability for players to level their.....
28/11/2011 - Fantasy MMORPG published by Aeria Games
Silkroad is a 3D fantasy MMORPG published by Aeria Games. The game is set in the magical-fantasy world of Saphael, which has been ripped by war and left to rebuild. You play as a young hero descended from the old "Sprite Messengers" who once sou.....
13/11/2011 - Your objective is to move the 24 small pieces to form a p...
Head up to where Merlin is in Camelot Castle and break the giant crystal with Excalibur. Talk to King Arthur again to finish the Silkroad Gold quest. Once you’ve gathered up all the items, head over to Grand Tree and talk to King Narnode .....
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