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Aika_US Gold Introduction

aika gold shows great role in the game, every player wants to enter into high level, at this time, you cannot leave away from aika online gold, which can buy good arms for you, and we can value and make full use of it. Safe delivery and good quantity here for you to buy, and we are 24/7 service.

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Aika_US Gold News
29/05/2012 - Epic III - Descent will Coming
The Aika Online team has announced that the next content expansion, "Epic III - Descent", will arrive on servers on June 14th. The level cap will increase to 85 and new skills and armor will arrive into the game to compliment the increase. The .....
14/05/2012 - Aika Online US Client
Gala-Net has released an updated game client for Aika Online, a new MMORPG that presents a large scaled PvP system that range from small dungeon groups of 6 all the way up to wars of 1,000 vs. 1,000. Aika is optimized for large scale nation wars.....
27/04/2012 - Aika : Latest Update Released
Aika Online players will want to check into the game to see the latest patch additions. Included in the update is a new quest series, a new dungeon and two new brand new in-game events. The Lost Mines, Aika's classic monster-filled dungeon, hav.....
26/04/2012 - Getting Started In Aika
Go to the Aika website. Create a free account and download the game. Downloading may take a while. After the game finishes downloading, click "Start" on the game's browser. Log in with your new account name and password. Select a world. Select .....
13/04/2012 - Something about Aika Online
First for classes choosing: there are six classes warrior, crusader, sniper ,dual gunner, night magician and last but not least the priest. One thing that itched you is that all classes are gender specific . So if you want to be dual gunner you .....
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