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WOW GOLD players guys should be happy that your opponents are using death grip.


The negative side in that is that it diminishes the interest in going after PvP honor rewards now. But of course the same can be said about PvE rewards, why break your back to get some level 60 epic now, when it might be a lot easier to get a level 70 blue item that is better?In the expansion, the arenas will give concrete ranking and really good awards for winning. The serious PvP'ers will find out the best combination fairly quickly. I'm hoping that enough people will find this unacceptable that Blizzard will propperly look at class balance rather than just trivialising arenas.We have done a great number of orders for wow gold and have hundreds of orders for wow power leveling currently. Buy wow gold from our cheap wow gold and world of warcraft power leveling shop here. Death Grip is a pretty new mechanic -- instead of charging or jumping away from a mob, you're bringing the mob to you. And with all new mechanics, players have found new ways to play with them.WOW GOLD players guys should be happy that your opponents are using death grip in this idiotic way. Put some sort of immunity debuff or whatever on it and the subsequent Death Knights will have to use it on something where it actually matters, like interrupting enemy spells or saving wounded teammates from finishing blows.Death Grip is not a CC. It doesn't stun you for x seconds. It doesn't sheep, fear, cyclone you. Even more it doesn't of Justice and root you.


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