It is Free to play
Tibia has been freely available ever since it began. This allows you to try it out without any cost to you. If you were to stick around and wanted to be more active, you could purchase a premium account which would give you features such as special game areas to play with that the free version does not have.
Four different character types
Knights, a nimble paladin, a mighty sorcerer or a mysterious druid. Take your pick. You may also customise their outfits and train along with your character to gain extra skills.
Huge community
Tibia's community has been growing ever since it came online. People come and go dependent on their interests, but there is a community of 300,000 players worldwide who share the same passion for the quest. Social networking is never more fun than in Tibia.
It is very difficult to become bored because there is such a huge variety of quests to choose from. Once you've completed one, you can move on and on. Some are more difficult than others. The quests have changed a lot since the beginning but the premise still remains the same.
Regular content updates
The content of the game is regularly upgraded and updated to suit the changing times and to keep the game fresh. There is a wide bank of characters, weapons and places that are continually updated. Therefore you can keep your version as up to date as possible.
Teams/Skype: gameest
Teams/Skype (sell to us): selltoallen
Email: [email protected]
Discord: gameim#1112
Discord: Gaimugold#1567