a) Basic Movement
Using the Mouse
To control your character's movements by using the mouse simply left-click on the spot in the game window where you want him to go to. The character will do so automatically, taking the shortest possible route. If the spot you have clicked onto is out of reach, the character will stop.
Although characters tend to avoid moving diagonally while walking towards their destination automatically, they are nonetheless capable of doing so. To walk diagonally left-click on your character and keep your finger on the mouse button, then move the cursor in the direction you want him to go. Please note, however, that there is a short delay when moving diagonally.
Using the Keyboard
You can also control your character's movement by using the cursor keys or the number keys on the num pad. Simply use them in the customary fashion to move up, down, left or right. Moving diagonally is also possible by using the keyboard. Simply press 7, 9, 1 or 3 on the num pad to move the character to the northwest, northeast, southwest or southeast. Please note, however, that the num lock must not be activated if you want to use the num pad to control your character.
It is also possible to change the direction your character is facing. To do so press Ctrl and leave your finger on the key, then choose the direction you want your character to look by pressing the corresponding cursor button. This feature can be especially useful when casting certain spells that require your character to look into a certain direction.
b) Moving Up or Down Floors
Of course, characters can also move up or down floors. Depending on the area you are in you will encounter stairs, ramps, sewer grates, ladders or simple holes in the floor. If there is a hole in the ceiling, you will see a noticeable mark on the dungeon floor. The controls to move up or down floors differ depending on the type of stairs you are using:
To climb stairs or ramps simply move your character onto them. The same is true for holes in the floor.
However, if you would like to climb up through a hole in the ceiling, you must use a rope on the rope spot on the floor. Keep in mind that you cannot climb up holes in the ceiling unless you have a rope or the "Magic Rope" spell.
To climb down a sewer grate right-click on it and select "Use".
Finally, to climb ladders simply right-click on the floor in front of the ladder you wish to climb and select "Use".
Note that it is sometimes possible to move up or down floors by climbing onto items or by using the "Levitate" spell.
c) Movement Modes
There are 2 movement modes available which define your character's automatic movement during combat. "Stand While Fighting" will cause characters to stay where they are in combat and "Chase Opponent" will make them charge towards the enemy. For further information please see the section on the combat controls.
One further option should be noted here, however: you can instruct your character to follow a friendly character around on the map without attacking it. To do so right-click on the character and select "Follow". Characters that are set to this mode will try to keep as close to the marked character as possible. If the marked character should leave the screen, the follow mode will be cancelled. You can also cancel the follow mode manually by right-clicking on the character and selecting "Stop Follow" or by hitting the Escape key.
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