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Lots of wow gold players were concerned that their gear choices were being shown off.

The official joke was about Wisps as a playable race -- everyone was wondering just who the Alliance race was in the Burning Crusade (later revealed as the Draenei), and a lot of people bought the "Detonate" racial ability, though the "permanent death" feature was really the giveaway here. But the official joke wasn't the only one: Blizzard as a company gave some official credence to the BurgerCraft rumors, and Caydiem posted those (still brilliant) fake patch notes for the upcoming patch 1.11.things went even further in 2007. Blizzard announced a "new" RTS called wow gold: Heroes of Azeroth ("WHOA," for short) "based in the WoW gold Universe," which was really the old wow gold RTSes made to look like a wow gold tie-in. The forums went a little nuts with "Blue for a Day," as every poster but the CMs got to go blue, also resulting in Tseric's classic "lol wut" remark (and making a few people unhappy). Unofficially, WoW gold got turned into MeowWiki, Wowhead got sold to Blizzard (providing a weird foreshadowing for later that year), and a number of other Warcraft-related jokes flew around. But the big one was, of course, the Tinfoil Hat -- with the release of the Armory earlier in the year, lots of wow gold players were concerned that their gear choices were being shown off, so Blizzard released an engineering item that would supposedly keep your character out of the Armory.Blizzard announced the Bard Hero, and brand new class for WoW gold that definitely turn their MMO up all the way. The Bard Hero is the second hero class which they have announced to be introduced in the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion for wow gold. also it will never be available to be played When you are not playing as him you will be armed with a trusty axe, killer riffs, a ton of attitude, and a massive big guitar. It sounds awesome really, and we really don't understand how Blizzard came up with such a fantastic idea.They have a lot of options. How about" take down all servers all day saying they are implenting Patch 3.1,and then April 1st we all log on and everything is reverted to Vanilla wow gold in the greatest April Fools gag ever? Or delete everyones character blaming it on a wipe and then a week later release there new MMO saying if we pay $50 we will get our old characters transfered to the new MMO?

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