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Do yourself a favor and don't get tempted to cheat wow gold.

This is not a very good course of action to take if you really want to stay in the game of World of Warcraft and take the chance of being banned.There is a lot of information on the web that can help you get started and or become a successful WoW gamer. There are even guides that will help you cut months off the time it takes to increase your leveling without cheating.So, do yourself a favor and don't get tempted to cheat wow gold. You will only lose in the end.Mages basically have two choices: Frost Mage PvP or Fire Mage. Nobody in their right might is choosing Arcane right now for obvious reasons. Fire and Frost are the main two trees for PvP. It's time now to evaluate Frost and see what it has to offer for a Mage in World of Warcraft PvP.It's important to note that though Mages are not the most gear dependant out of the classes in World of Warcraft, they are still going to need some pretty good great to rise above the rest in PvP. Frost Mage PvP depends on three things: your spec, your skill and your gear. If you can master all three of these, there is no reason that you will be beaten in battlegrounds or the arena.If you're a little confused at what to take when looking at the first tier in the Frost tree for the Mage in World of Wacraft, you aren't alone. We're going to take all of them! They're all insanely good for the first Tier.


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